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Grass Fed and Grain Finished

Our beef program supports the grass-fed and grain-finished beef product and has for many, many years.  As our beef operation evolved we continually invest in learning more and researching more so that we can present you the ultimate safe and flavorful beef to enjoy.

The difference between finishing cattle on a grain and grass diet is ultimately the taste, and we here at Supreme Beef prefer the enhanced marbling and flavor that is experienced from grass-fed, grain-finished beef.

We calve our females on open range pasture during the early spring months prior to the lush green grass of the summer pastures, they are fed a quality diet combined with vitamin and mineral supplements for their required daily requirements.  This menu provides them the tools to birth healthy babies providing them a great start to life, it also supports the mothers milk production.  For several months throughout the spring, summer and fall months the animals graze on hay and native grass pastures untouched of any contaminants.  Once late fall sets in the young stock are slowly transitioned to a silage, alfalfa hay, oat and barley diet.  Their health is also supported by vitamin and mineral supplementation.  This diet is called a TMR, a balanced total mixed ration that is prepared by a top animal health scientist.  The transition occurs gently allowing the bacteria in the rumen to adjust to the different nutrient sources.  The higher energy grains like oats and barley are a key contributor to the superior marbling we’ve come to expect from our calf crop.

Administering our program in this manner we achieve very effective and sustainable results plus the added bonus of respectful stewardship for the environment.

The bottom line of ultimate importance is no matter what type of beef you choose to eat, grain-finished or grass-finished, the benefits of beef is amazing!  For starters, how about a  strengthened immune system, beef contributes to the formation of red blood cells, hormones and muscle tissue and ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system.  The nutrients from beef also impacts our sense of taste and smell, benefits our thyroid function and supports antioxidant production.  Beef is a natural and complete protein, source of Vitamin B-12, Zinc, Iron Rich, Selenium Rich, assists in blood sugar control, muscle health and heart health.  All in all, it’s just down right super!

Beef Cut Sheet Description

CHUCK – The Chuck or front shoulder is typically ground into hamburger.  If you like pot roasts for slow cooking a chuck/blade roast can be very flavorful.  You can request a chuck/blade roast or two and have the rest ground into burger.  As with all cuts, the roasts will be larger on larger animals but you should always specify the ideal size for your roasts and steaks.  On a side of beef the Chuck will account for about 100 pounds.

RIB – The Rib area yields an excellent quality meat with good marbling.  You can have the Rib cut into Rib Steaks or into Rib Roasts or some of each.  All rib cuts will have the bone in.  On a side of beef the Rib will account for about 40 pounds.

LOIN –The loin consists of the Short Loin and Tenderloin.  These are generally thought of as the best cuts on the beef.  From the Loin you can get T-bone steak, NY strips and Filet Mignon.  If you want the Tenderloin cut into Filet Mignon it will automatically provide you with NY strip steaks. It is not possible to request Filet Mignon along with T-bones.   The T-bone has a piece of tenderloin on one side of the bone (like a Filet Mignon) and the NY strip on the other.  On one side of beef the Loin will account for about 30 pounds.

SIRLOIN – The Sirloin is a very flavorful part of the beef.  The Top Sirloin is usually the most tender.  Some people like to have some or all of the Sirloin ground into hamburger because it adds great flavor to the hamburger.  If you would like it cut into steaks be sure to specify the thickness of steak you prefer.  If you forget they will be cut approximately 1 inch thick.  Don’t forget to let the butcher know how many steaks you would like in one package.  Sirloin accounts for about 30 pounds on one side of beef.

ROUND – The Round offers many options.  The Eye of the Round roast is typically left as one large, whole roast.  It is lean and flavorful.  The Top Round can be cut into roasts.  The Bottom Round can be cut into roast for slow cooking pot roasts or ground into hamburger.  Families who use a lot of hamburger will often have all of the round ground saving the Eye of the Round roast for a special occasion.  The round will make up 70 or more pounds of one side of beef.

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